Legitimate compatibility
All transactions and products are approved by the Sharia Committee.

Start Real Estate Platform is keen to ensure that its transactions are in accordance with Islamic Shari'ah. It also works to show proof and reassure its customers that all its transactions and investment products have been reviewed by the legitimate authorities. Accordingly, we:
We have appointed Aldar Shari'ah Audit ("Aldar") to assist us in achieving the required best practices in Shari'ah compliance. Aldar will take on the task of moderating Sharia discussions related to our activities. and product structuring. and legitimate reporting. In addition to working with department heads to raise the level of adherence to Shari'ah regulations and standards in all activities of the organization. It will also help ensure the full independence of the committee members so that the decision-making and legitimate confirmation processes are effective.

Aldar has issued its fatwa and approved the following:
- All activities and products have been reviewed and approved to ensure compliance with the decisions of the Sharia Committee.
Cooperation with Aldar extends to the following:
- Supervise the Shari'ah audit process to ensure that the operations implemented are in compliance with Shari'ah regulations and standards.
- Ensure that all products and services we offer (which are the responsibility of Aldar) are approved and endorsed by the Sharia Committee.
- Aldar will remain responsible for establishing and overseeing an internal control system to comply with the Shari'ah controls and standards for the product(s). including but not limited to internal controls, policies and procedures. Guidelines that cover each stage of the process as well as procedures to contain any breach or violation of the product(s) standards.

About the Sharia Advisor of the Sharia Audit House who supervised the Audit Committee
Sheikh Dr. Salah bin Fahad Al-Shalhoub
Sheikh Dr. Salah is a Sharia consultant who holds a PhD in Islamic Finance from the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom
and a Master's degree from Imam University in Saudi Arabia. He has participated in the review and approval of numerous products for companies in the United States and Europe. and Gulf Cooperation Council countries. with a focus on investment banking products. and real estate deals. and insurance products. and listed securities. His expertise extends to Sukuk, Ijara, SME financing and asset management products.
He is currently a faculty member at the Saudi Electronic University in Riyadh. He was previously a faculty member
and director of the Center for Islamic Banking and Finance at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in Dhahran. He has written several research papers and articles related to the Islamic banking sector published in several newspapers, most notably Al-Eqtisadiya.